

CA certificate, The general Element
case-sensitivity, Case-Sensitivity of HFS and MVS Names, Filename Support, Filename Support
certificate authentication
server, Server Authentication with Certificates, The general Element
user, User Authentication with Certificates
certificate revocation list (CRL), CA Certificates Stored in SAF
disabling, CA Certificates Stored in File, The general Element
distribution point, Server Authentication with Certificates
prefetching, The general Element
certificate viewer, ssh-certview-g3
enrolling, Certificates Stored in File
revoked, Server Authentication with Certificates
validating, The general Element
certification authority (CA), Server Authentication with Certificates, The general Element
certification, FIPS 140-2, The general Element
CertKey, Certificates Stored in File
channel, Secure Shell Tunneling
characters, valid, Filename Support, Filename Support
checkpoint-restart, Enhanced File Transfer Functions, Commands
checksum, The default-settings Element
ciphers, The default-settings Element
client configuration, Configuring Client Tools
client tools, Configuring Client Tools
CMP enrollment, ssh-cmpclient-g3
scpg3, scpg3
sftpg3, sftpg3
sshg3, sshg3
CMP enrollment client, ssh-cmpclient-g3
codepage, Setting up Terminal Data Conversion
command-line options, Command-Line Options
command-line tools, Command-Line Tools and Man Pages
components, Product Components
compression, The default-settings Element
configuration files, Client Configuration Files, Connection Broker and SOCKS Proxy Configuration Files
syntax, Broker Configuration File Syntax
Connection Broker, Terminology, Running the Connection Broker, Configuring Client Tools, Connection Broker and SOCKS Proxy Configuration Files
debugging, Starting Connection Broker in Debug Mode
reconfiguring, Reconfiguring ssh-broker-g3
starting, Starting ssh-broker-g3 Manually under USS
stopping, Stopping ssh-broker-g3
connection profiles, The profiles Element
controlling file transfer, Controlling File Transfer, Alternate Methods for Controlling File Transfer
CRL (certificate revocation list)
disabling, CA Certificates Stored in File, The general Element
distribution point, Server Authentication with Certificates
prefetching, The general Element
cryptographic library, The general Element
customer support, Customer Support


editing configuration files, Editing the Configuration Files
egrep, Egrep Syntax
character sets, Character Sets For Egrep
escaped tokens, Escaped Tokens for Regex Syntax Egrep
patterns, Egrep Patterns
end-point identity check, The general Element
enrolling user certificate, Certificates Stored in File
environment variables, Environment Variables for Client Applications, Environment Variables
file transfer clients, File Transfer Environment Variables for the Clients
file transfer server, File Transfer Environment Variables for the Server
scpg3, Environment Variables
sftpg3, Environment Variables
ssh-broker-config.xml, Environment Variables
ssh-broker-ctl, Environment Variables
ssh-broker-g3, Environment Variables
ssh-keyfetch, Environment Variables
ssh-keygen-g3, Environment Variables
ssh-sft-stage, Environment Variables
ssh-translation-table, Environment Variables
sshg3, Environment Variables
error situations, Solving Problem Situations
escape sequences, sshg3, Escape Sequences
event log, The logging Element
exclusive-connection, The default-settings Element
exit values
scpg3, Exit Values
sftpg3, Exit Values
sshg3, Exit Values
expired CRL, The general Element
external key viewer, ssh-ekview-g3


fallback to plaintext FTP
command-line option, The filter-engine Element
in configuration file, The filter-engine Element
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS), The general Element
file access permissions, The general Element
file transfer, Secure File Transfer Using SFTP, Using scpg3, Using sftpg3, sftpg3
controlling, Controlling File Transfer, Alternate Methods for Controlling File Transfer
file transfer examples, Secure File Transfer Examples Using the z/OS Client
interactive, Interactive File Transfers
unattended, Unattended File Transfers
file transfer home, Setting the File Transfer Home Location, Setting the File Transfer Home Location
file transfer profiles, File Transfer Profiles
filename-matched, Examples of Filename-Matched File Transfer Profiles
named, Examples of Named File Transfer Profiles
filename characters, Filename Support, Filename Support
filename support, Filename Support, Filename Support
filename-matched file transfer profiles, File Transfer Profiles, Examples of Filename-Matched File Transfer Profiles
filter, The filter-engine Element
filter engine, Connection Broker Files, The filter-engine Element
fingerprint, Server Authentication with Public Keys in File, Options
FIPS 140-2 certification, The general Element
firewall, CA Certificates Stored in File, CA Certificates Stored in SAF
agent, Secure Shell Tunneling, The default-settings Element
local, Local Tunnels
remote, Remote Tunnels
X11, Secure Shell Tunneling, The default-settings Element
FTP active mode, Tunneling FTP in Active Mode
FTP commands, Native z/OS FTP commands versus Tectia SFTP commands
FTP passive mode, Tunneling FTP in Passive Mode
FTP-SFTP conversion, Terminology


JCL jobs (managing over SFTP), Managing JCL Jobs over SFTP
deleting, Deleting Jobs
fetching, Retrieving the Spool Output of a Job
listing, Listing Jobs
submitting, Submitting a Job
Job Entry Subsystem (JES), Managing JCL Jobs over SFTP


LDAP servers, The general Element
library, cryptographic, The general Element
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Server Authentication with Certificates
local port forwarding, Local Tunnels
local tunnels, Local Tunnels
local user account, User Authentication with Public Keys in a File
logging, The logging Element


OCSP responders, The general Element
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), Server Authentication with Certificates
OpenSSH authorized_keys file, Files
OpenSSH keys, Using Keys Generated with OpenSSH, From OpenSSH Client on Unix to Tectia Server on z/OS, Key Store Configuration Examples
OpenSSH known_hosts file, The general Element, Files
outgoing tunnels, Local Tunnels


PAM authentication, User Authentication with Keyboard-Interactive
passive mode FTP, Tunneling FTP in Passive Mode
passphrase, Creating Keys with ssh-keygen-g3 on z/OS
stored in a data set, Password Stored in a File or Data Set
stored in a file, Password Stored in a File or Data Set
password authentication, Using Password Authentication, User Authentication with Passwords, User Authentication with Keyboard-Interactive
path notation, Filename Support, Filename Support
PEM encoding, Options
permissions, User Authentication with Public Keys in a File
PKCS #11 keys, Key Store Configuration Examples
PKCS #11 token, Certificates Stored in File
PKCS #12, Key Store Configuration Examples
PKCS #7, Key Store Configuration Examples
PKCS #7 package, CA Certificates Stored in File
Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM), User Authentication with Keyboard-Interactive
port forwarding, Secure Shell Tunneling
local, Local Tunnels
remote, Remote Tunnels
restricting, Secure Shell Tunneling
private key
user, Creating Keys with ssh-keygen-g3 on z/OS, Certificates Stored in File
problem situations, Solving Problem Situations
profiles for file transfer, File Transfer Profiles
proxy rules, The default-settings Element
pseudo-volume, Restoring Archived Data Sets
public key
host, Server Authentication with Public Keys in File
user, Creating Keys with ssh-keygen-g3 on z/OS
public-key authentication, User Authentication with Public Keys in a File
server, Authenticating Remote Server Hosts, Server Authentication with Public Keys in File
user, Using Public-Key Authentication, User Authentication with Public Keys in a File, Using Public-Key Authentication from Other Hosts to z/OS
public-key signature algorithms, The default-settings Element


RADIUS authentication, User Authentication with Keyboard-Interactive
random_seed file, Files
reconfiguring the Connection Broker, Reconfiguring ssh-broker-g3
regular expressions (regex)
in filenames, Filename Support, Filename Support
syntax, Egrep Syntax
rekey interval, The default-settings Element
related documents, About This Document
remote administration, System Administration
remote environment, The default-settings Element
remote port forwarding, Remote Tunnels
remote tunnels, Remote Tunnels
restoring archived data sets, Restoring Archived Data Sets
return values
scpg3, Exit Values
sftpg3, Exit Values
sshg3, Exit Values
revoked certificate, Server Authentication with Certificates
RFC 4253, Options
RFC 4716, Options
rule, The filter-engine Element
running client programs, Running Client Programs


SAF authentication
server, CA Certificates Stored in SAF, Server Certificates Stored in SAF, Key Store Configuration Examples
user, Certificates Stored in SAF, Key Store Configuration Examples
sample files, Unattended File Transfers
SAMPLIB, Unattended File Transfers
SCEP client, ssh-scepclient-g3
scpg3, Terminology, Running Client Programs, Using scpg3, scpg3
environment variables, Environment Variables
exit values, Exit Values
options, Options
secure application connectivity, Secure Shell Tunneling
secure copy (SCP), Using scpg3, scpg3
secure file transfer, Secure File Transfer Using SFTP
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Using sftpg3, sftpg3
Secure Shell client, Using Off-Platform Clients to Access z/OS Hosts Running Tectia Server for IBM z/OS
Secure Shell version 2, sshg3
secure system administration, System Administration
SecurID authentication, User Authentication with Keyboard-Interactive
server authentication
host key algorithms, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
with certificates, Server Authentication with Certificates
with public key, Server Authentication with Public Keys in File
with SAF keys, CA Certificates Stored in SAF, Server Certificates Stored in SAF
server certificate, Server Authentication with Certificates
checkpoint, Enhanced File Transfer Functions, Commands
commands, Native z/OS FTP commands versus Tectia SFTP commands
streaming, Enhanced File Transfer Functions, Commands
tape data sets, SFTP and Tape Data Sets
sftpg3, Terminology, Running Client Programs, Using sftpg3, sftpg3
commands, Commands
environment variables, Environment Variables
exit values, Exit Values
options, Options
startup batch file, Description, Environment Variables
signature algorithms, The default-settings Element
smart card, Certificates Stored in File
SOCKS Proxy, Terminology, Configuring Client Tools, Connection Broker and SOCKS Proxy Configuration Files
SOCKS server, SOCKS Tunneling
SOCKS server URL, The general Element
ssh-broker-config.xml, Client Configuration Files, Configuration File
ssh-broker-ctl, Terminology, Running the Connection Broker, ssh-broker-ctl
commands, Commands
environment variables, Environment Variables
options, Options
ssh-broker-g3, Terminology, Running the Connection Broker, ssh-broker-g3
environment variables, Environment Variables
options, Options
ssh-certview-g3, ssh-certview-g3
ssh-cmpclient-g3, ssh-cmpclient-g3
commands, Commands
examples, Examples
options, Options
ssh-ekview-g3, ssh-ekview-g3
ssh-keydist-g3, Distributing Public Keys Using the Key Distribution Tool, ssh-keydist-g3
ssh-keyfetch, ssh-keyfetch
environment variables, Environment Variables
examples, Examples
options, Options
ssh-keygen-g3, Using Public-Key Authentication, CA Certificates Stored in File, Creating Keys with ssh-keygen-g3 on z/OS, ssh-keygen-g3
environment variables, Environment Variables
examples, Examples
options, Options
ssh-scepclient-g3, ssh-scepclient-g3
commands, Commands
examples, Examples
options, Options
ssh-sft-stage, ssh-sft-stage
environment variables, Environment Variables
options, Options
ssh-socks-proxy, ssh-broker-g3
ssh-socks-proxy-config.xml, Client Configuration Files, Configuration File
ssh-socks-proxy-ctl, Synopsis
ssh-translation-table, ssh-translation-table
environment variables, Environment Variables
options, Options
ssh-troubleshoot, ssh-troubleshoot
commands, Commands
options, Options
SSH2, sshg3
SSH2 keys, Key Store Configuration Examples
sshd2, Terminology
SSHENV, Environment Variables for Client Applications
sshg3, Terminology, Running Client Programs, sshg3
commands, Commands
environment variables, Environment Variables
escape sequences, Escape Sequences
exit values, Exit Values
options, Options
sshsetenv, Environment Variables for Client Applications
SSH_DEBUG_FMT, Environment Variables for Client Applications
ssh_ftadv_config, Client Configuration Files
ssh_known_hosts file, Files
SSH_MVS_CONSOLE, Environment Variables for Client Applications
ssh_sftp_batch_file, Description, Environment Variables
STAGE, Staging
staging, Staging
starting the Connection Broker, Starting ssh-broker-g3 Manually under USS
stopping the Connection Broker, Stopping ssh-broker-g3
streaming, Enhanced File Transfer Functions, Commands
strict host key checking, The default-settings Element
support, Customer Support
system administration, System Administration
system configuration, Connection Broker and SOCKS Proxy Configuration Files
system log, The logging Element


tape data sets
SFTP, SFTP and Tape Data Sets
TCP connection
keepalive, The default-settings Element
timeout, The default-settings Element
technical support, Customer Support
Tectia Client components, Product Components
Tectia client tools for z/OS, Terminology
Tectia Server for IBM z/OS, Terminology
terminology, Terminology
ticket forwarding, The default-settings Element
timeout, TCP connection, The default-settings Element
translation table, ssh-translation-table
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Tectia
tunneling, Secure Shell Tunneling
applications, SOCKS Tunneling
IPv6, Secure Shell Tunneling
restricting, Secure Shell Tunneling
X11, Secure Shell Tunneling, The default-settings Element
tunnels, Secure Shell Tunneling
local (outgoing), Local Tunnels
remote (incoming), Remote Tunnels


valid characters, Filename Support, Filename Support
volume serial number, Restoring Archived Data Sets


X.509 certificates, CA Certificates Stored in File, Certificates Stored in File , Key Store Configuration Examples
X11 forwarding, Secure Shell Tunneling, The default-settings Element
XML attribute
allow-relay, The profiles Element, The static-tunnels Element
allow-ticket-forwarding, The default-settings Element
data, The profiles Element
default-domain, The general Element
disable-crls, The general Element
dll-path, The default-settings Element
end-point-identity-check, The general Element
fallback-to-plain, The filter-engine Element
file, The profiles Element
gateway-profile, The profiles Element
hash, The profiles Element
http-proxy-url, The general Element
id, The profiles Element
identity-file, The profiles Element
socks-server-url, The general Element
use-expired-crls, The general Element
XML element
accept-unknown-host-keys, The general Element
address-family, The default-settings Element
auth-gssapi, The default-settings Element
auth-hostbased, The default-settings Element
auth-keyboard-interactive, The default-settings Element
auth-password, The default-settings Element
auth-publickey, The default-settings Element
auth-server-certificate, The default-settings Element
auth-server-publickey, The default-settings Element
authentication-method, The default-settings Element
authentication-methods, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
authentication-success-message, The default-settings Element
ca-certificate, The general Element
cert-validation, The general Element
checksum, The default-settings Element
cipher, The default-settings Element
ciphers, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
close-window-on-disconnect, The default-settings Element
compression, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
crl-prefetch, The general Element
crypto-lib, The general Element
default-settings, The default-settings Element
dns, The filter-engine Element
dod-pki, The general Element
environment, The default-settings Element
exclusive-connection, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
file-access-control, The general Element
filter, The filter-engine Element
filter-engine, The filter-engine Element
forward, The default-settings Element
forwards, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
general, The general Element
host-key-always-ask, The general Element
hostbased-default-domain, The default-settings Element
hostkey, The profiles Element
hostkey-algorithm, The default-settings Element
hostkey-algorithms, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
identification, The general Element
identity, The profiles Element
idle-timeout, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
issuer-name, The default-settings Element
keepalive-interval, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
kex, The default-settings Element
kexs, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
key-selection, The default-settings Element
key-store, The general Element
key-stores, The general Element
known-hosts, The general Element
ldap-server, The general Element
local-hostname, The default-settings Element
local-tunnel, The profiles Element
log-events, The logging Element
log-target, The logging Element
logging, The logging Element
mac, The default-settings Element
macs, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
network, The filter-engine Element
ocsp-responder, The general Element
password, The profiles Element
profile, The profiles Element
profiles, The profiles Element
protocol-parameters, The general Element
proxy, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
public-key, The default-settings Element
quiet-mode, The default-settings Element
rekey, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
remote-environment, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
remote-tunnel, The profiles Element
rule, The filter-engine Element
server-authentication-methods, The profiles Element
server-banners, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
sftpg3-mode, The default-settings Element
static-tunnels, The static-tunnels Element
strict-host-key-checking, The general Element
tcp-connect-timeout, The default-settings Element, The profiles Element
terminal-bell, The default-settings Element
terminal-selection, The default-settings Element
tunnel, The static-tunnels Element
tunnels, The profiles Element
user-config-directory, The general Element
user-identities, The profiles Element
user-keys, The general Element