SSH Tectia  
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    About This Document >>
    Installing SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS >>
    Getting Started with SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS >>
    Configuring the Server >>
    Configuring the Client >>
    Authentication >>
    File Transfer Using SFTP >>
    File Transfer Using Transparent FTP Tunneling >>
    Tunneling on the Command Line >>
    Troubleshooting SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS >>
    Advanced Information >>
    Man Pages >>
        ssh-socks-proxy >>
        ssh-socks-proxy-config >>
        ssh-socks-proxy-ctl >>
        ssh-certview >>
        ssh-cmpclient >>
        ssh-keydist2 >>
        ssh-scepclient >>
    Log Messages >>


The usage of the SCEP client is the following:

ssh-scepclient command [options] access [name]

Where command is one of the following:

     ENROLL keypair ca psk template
     POLL keypair ca -r state-file

Most commands can accept the following options:
     -o prefix     Save result into files with prefix.
     -S url        Use this socks server to access CA.
     -H url        Use this HTTP proxy to access CA.
     -N file       Specifies a file to stir to the random pool.
     -Z provspec   Specifies the external key provider for private key.
                   The format of provspec is "providername:initstring".

The following identifiers are used to specify options:
     psk      -p key (used as revocationPassword or challengePassword)
     keypair  -P url (private-key URL)
     ca       -C file (CA certificate file)
              -E file (RA encryption certificate file)
              -V file (RA validation certificate file)
     template -T file (certificate template)
              -s subject-ldap[;type=value]
              -u key-usage-name[;key-usage-name]
              -U extended-key-usage-name[;extended-key-usage-name]
     access   URL where the CA listens for requests.

GET-CA and GET-CHAIN take name argument, that is something
interpreted by the CA to specify a CA entity managed by the responder.

Key URLs are either valid external key paths or in the format:
     "any-externalkey-provider-url" (provider-specific)

The "keytype" for the SCEP protocol has to be "rsa".

The key generation "savetype" can be:
 - ssh2 (Secure Shell 2 key type)
 - ssh1 (Legacy Secure Shell 1 key type)
 - ssh  (SSH proprietary crypto library format, passphrase-protected)
 - pkcs1 (PKCS#1 format)
 - pkcs8s (passphrase-protected PKCS#8, "shrouded PKCS#8")
 - pkcs8 (plain-text PKCS#8)
 - x509 (SSH proprietary X.509 library key type)

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