SSH Tectia  
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    About This Document >>
    Installing SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS >>
    Getting Started with SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS >>
    Configuring the Server >>
    Configuring the Client >>
    Authentication >>
    File Transfer Using SFTP >>
    File Transfer Using Transparent FTP Tunneling >>
    Tunneling on the Command Line >>
    Troubleshooting SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS >>
    Advanced Information >>
    Man Pages >>
        ssh-socks-proxy >>
        ssh-socks-proxy-config >>
        ssh-socks-proxy-ctl >>
        ssh-certview >>
        ssh-cmpclient >>
        ssh-keydist2 >>
        ssh-scepclient >>
    Log Messages >>


SFTP2(1)                       SSH2                      SFTP2(1)

       sftp2 - secure FTP client on z/OS

       sftp2 [-v] [-D debug_level_spec] [-B batchfile] [-S path]
       [-h] [-P port] [-b buffer_size] [-N max_requests] [-V] [-4
       ] [-6 ] [-c cipher] [-m MAC] [-o ssh-option]

       sftp2 is an  FTP-like  client that  can be used for secure
       file transfer over the network.  sftp2 uses ssh2 to secure
       traffic.  Even though sftp works like ftp, it does not use
       the FTP daemon (ftpd or wu-ftpd) for connections.

       In order to  connect  using  sftp2,  you need to make sure
       that  sshd2 is running on the remote  machine you are con-
       necting to.  sftp2 uses a "subsystem" of sshd2 to transfer
       files securely. See sshd2(8).

       -v     Verbose mode. Equivalent to the -D 2 option.

       -D debug_level_spec
              Debug mode.  Makes sftp2 send verbose debug output
              to stderr.  The debugging level is a number (0-99).

       -B batchfile
              Batch mode.  Reads commands from a file instead of
              standard  input.  Since this  mode is intended for
              scripts/cronjobs,  sftp2 will not try to  interact
              with the user, which means that only  passwordless
              authentication  methods will work.  In batch mode,
              a failure to change the current working directory
              will cause  sftp2 to  abort.  Other  errors  are

       -S path
              Specifies the path to the ssh2 binary.

       -h     Prints usage information and exits.

       -P port
              Port to connect to on the remote host.  This option
              can also be specified in the configuration file.

       -b buffer_size
              Defines the maximum buffer size for one request
              (default 32768 bytes).
       -N max_requests
              Defines the maximum number of concurrent requests
              (default 10).

       -V     Prints the version and exits.  

       -4     Instructs ssh2 to use IPv4.

       -6     Instructs ssh2 to use IPv6.

       -c cipher
              Selects the encryption algorithm.  See ssh2(1) for
              more information.

       -m MAC Selects the MAC (Message Authentication Code) algo-
              rithm.  See ssh2(1) for more information.

       -o ssh-options
              Can be used to give options in the format used in
              the ssh2_config file.  This is useful for specify-
              ing options for which there is no separate command-
              line flag.  The option has the same format as a
              line in the configuration file.  Comment lines are
              not accepted.  Where applicable, egrep regex format
              is used.

        user  Specifies the username to use when connecting.

        host  Specifies the host to connect to.

        port  Specifies the port on the host to connect to.

       When sftp2 is ready to accept commands, it will display
       the prompt sftp> .  The user can then enter any of the
       following commands.

       open -l or open hostname
              Tries to connect to a host specified with hostname.
              With the -l parameter, the "remote" end is opened
              to the localhost (without connecting to an sshd2
              daemon), after which for example ls can be used to
              show the contents of the local file system.

       lopen -l or lopen hostname
              Tries to connect to a host specified with hostname.
              With the -l parameter, the "local" end is opened to
              the localhost (without connecting to an sshd2 dae-
              mon), after which for example lls can be used to
              show the contents of the local file system. The
              command localopen is a synonym for this command.

       close  Closes the remote connection.

       lclose Closes the local connection.

       quit   Quits the application.

       cd directory
              Changes the current remote working directory.

       lcd directory
              Changes the current local working directory.

       pwd    Prints the name of the current remote working

       lpwd   Prints the name of the current local working direc-

       ls [-R] [-l [-z]] [-S] [-r] [file ...]
              Lists the names of the files on the remote server.
              For directories, the contents of the directory are
              listed. When the -R option is specified, all direc-
              tories are listed recursively. (By default, the
              subdirectories of the argument directories are not
              visited.) With -l, permissions, owners, sizes and
              modification times are displayed. With -z, the long
              format listing is generated by the client, other-
              wise sftp2 shows the server generated string, if
              available (with the server generated string, times-
              tamps are in the server's locale; however, the
              client generated string doesn't have usernames or
              groups (this is a limitation in the SFTPv3 proto-
              col)). This behaviour can be made default by set-
              ting environment variable SSH_SFTP_LS_LONG_FORMAT
              to "client" (without the quotes). If -S is given,
              sorting is done based on file sizes (default:
              alphabetically). If -r is given, the sort order is
              reversed. When no file arguments are given, the
              contents of the current working directory are

       lls [options] [ file ... ]
              Same as ls, but operates on local files.

       get [--preserve-attributes] [-p] [--overwrite] [-I]
              [--interac- tive] [--whole-file] [-W] [--checksum]
              [-c] [--force-lower-case] [file ...]
              Transfers the specified files from the remote end
              to the local end.  Directories are recursively
              copied with their contents.  If -p,--preserve-
              attributes is given, sftp tries to retain permis-
              sions and timestamps. --overwrite specifies whether
              to overwrite existing destination file(s). Default
              is to overwrite.  -I,--interactive prompts whether
              to overwrite an existing destination file (does not
              work with batch mode). --force-lower-case will
              cause the destination filename to be in lower case.
              Only ASCII characters will be affected. If
              -W,--whole-file is given, incremental checksums are
              not made. If -c,--checksum is given, and source and
              destination files have the same size, an MD5 check-
              sum is done to determine whether the file needs to
              be transferred (default: do checksum). All switches
              can be toggled with no as an attribute [example:

       mget [options] [file ...]
              Synonymous to get.

       put [options] [file ...]
              Transfers the specified files from the local end to
              the remote end.  Directories are recursively copied
              with their contents. Options are the same as for

       mput [options] [file ...]
              Synonymous to put.

       sget [--preserve-attributes] [-p] [--overwrite] [-I]
              [--interac- tive] [--whole-file] [-W] [--checksum]
              [-c] [--force-lower-case] source_file destina-
              Transfers single file from the remote end to the
              local end.  Directories are not copied. Globbing is
              not performed.  If -p,--preserve-attributes is
              given, sftp tries to retain permissions and times-
              tamps. --overwrite specifies whether to overwrite
              existing destination file(s). Default is to over-
              write.  -I,--interactive prompts whether to over-
              write an existing destination file (does not work
              with batch mode). --force-lower-case will cause the
              destination filename to be in lower case. Only
              ASCII characters will be affected. If -W,--whole-
              file is given, incremental checksums are not made.
              If -c,--checksum is given, and source and destina-
              tion files have the same size, an MD5 checksum is
              done to determine whether the file needs to be
              transferred (default: do checksum). All switches
              can be toggled with no as an attribute [example:

       sput [options] source_file destination_file
              Transfers single file from the local end to the
              remote end.  Directories are not copied. Globbing
              is not performed. Options are the same as for sget.

       rename source target
              Renames the file source to target. If target
              already exists, the files are left intact.

       lrename source target
              Same as rename, but operates on local files.

       rm file
              Tries to delete the specified file.

       lrm file
              Same as rm, but operates on local files.

       mkdir directory
              Tries to create the specified directory.

       lmkdir directory
              Same as mkdir, but operates on local files.

       rmdir directory
              Tries to delete the specified directory.

       lrmdir directory
              Same as rmdir, but operates on local files.

       help [topic]
              Lists online help on topic.  If topic is not given,
              lists the available topics.

              Dumps the virtual roots of the server. This is an
              extension required by older versions of VShell
              (from VanDyke Software), and only usable against
              it. SSH Tectia Server (Windows version) displays
              the file system roots in the Unix style, and does
              not require this extension.

       ascii [-s] [-f] [<remote_nl_conv>] [<local_nl_conv>]
              With the -s option, shows the current newline con-
              vention.  <remote_nl_conv> sets the remote newline
              convention.  <local_nl_conv> operates on the local
              side, but is not as useful (the correct local new-
              line convention is usually compiled in, so this is
              mainly for testing). Please note that these are
              only hints for the underlying transfer layer, which
              tries to use the newline convention given by the
              server wherever possible. You can set either of
              these to ask, which will cause sftp to prompt you
              for the newline convention when needed. With the
              exception of the -s option, this command sets the
              transfer mode to ASCII, i.e. newlines will be con-
              verted according to the conventions. Available con-
              ventions are dos, unix, and mac, using "\r\n",
              "\n", and "\r" as newlines, respectively.

       binary Files will be transferred unmodified.

       auto   Files whose extension matches the one set with
              setext will be transferred using ASCII mode. Other
              files will be transferred unmodified.

       setext <extension> [<extension> ...]
              Set the file types which will be transferred in
              ASCII mode, if the transfer mode is auto. Standard
              zsh-fileglob regexs can be used for matching (only
              the file extension is matched, i.e. extension "*ml"
              matches with files foo.html and

       getext Displays the extensions of files which will be
              transferred using ASCII (newline) conversion in the
              auto transfer mode.

       chmod [options] OCTAL-MODE [<file> ...]
       chmod [options] [ugoa][+-=][rwxs] [<file> ...]
              Sets file permissions of the specified file or
              files to the bit pattern OCTAL-MODE or changes per-
              missions according to the symbolic mode
              Only one symbolic mode combination is supported.
              Options are:
              -R   recursive (recursively changes files and
              -f   silent (error messages suppressed)
              -v   verbose (lists every file processed)

       lchmod Same as chmod, but operates on local files

       ! [<command> [<args>]]
              Invoke an interactive shell on the local machine. 
              If <command> is given, it is used as the command to 
              be executed. Optional <args> are used as arguments 
              to the command.

       sftp2 understands both backslashes and quotation marks on
       the command line. A backslash can be used for ignoring the
       special meaning of any character in the command-line
       interpretation.  It will be removed even if the character
       it precedes has no special meaning.

       Quotation marks can be used for specifying file names with

       The command-line processing and globbing use the same
       escape character (a backslash), so if you want to use a
       backslash to escape the meta-characters in the globbing,
       you have to precede the backslash with another backslash
       to escape its special meaning from the command-line pro-

       Warning: If you do get . or put . you will get or put
       every file in the current directory and possibly override
       files in your current directory.

       sftp2 supports glob patterns (wildcards) given to commands
       ls, lls, get, and put.  The format is described in the man
       page sshregex(1).

       The following key sequences can be used for command-line

              Set mark.

       Ctrl-A Go to the beginning of the line.

       Ctrl-B Move the cursor one character to the left.

       Ctrl-D Erase the character to the right of the cursor, or
              exit the program if the command line is empty.

       Ctrl-E Go to the end of the line.

       Ctrl-F Move the cursor one character to the right.

       Ctrl-H Backspace.

       Ctrl-I Tab.

       Ctrl-J Enter.

       Ctrl-K Delete the rest of the line.

       Ctrl-L Redraw the line.

       Ctrl-M Enter.

       Ctrl-N Move to the next line.

       Ctrl-P Move to the previous line.

       Ctrl-T Toggle two characters.

       Ctrl-U Delete the line.

       Ctrl-W Delete a region (the region's other end is marked
              with Ctrl-Space).

       Ctrl-X Begin an extended command.

       Ctrl-Y Yank deleted line.

       Ctrl-_ Undo.

       Ctrl-X Ctrl-L
              Lower case region.

       Ctrl-X Ctrl-U
              Upper case region.

       Ctrl-X Ctrl-X
              Exchange cursor and mark.

       Ctrl-X H
              Mark the whole buffer.

       Ctrl-X U

       Esc Ctrl-H
              Backwards word delete.

       Esc Delete
              Backwards word delete.

       Esc Space
              Delete extra spaces (leaves only one space).

       Esc <  Go to the beginning of the line.

       Esc >  Go to the end of the line.

       Esc @  Mark current word.

       Esc A  Go back one sentence.

       Esc B  Go back one word.

       Esc C  Capitalize current word.

       Esc D  Delete current word.

       Esc E  Go forward one sentence.

       Esc F  Go forward one word.

       Esc K  Delete current sentence.

       Esc L  Change current word to lower case.

       Esc T  Transpose words.

       Esc U  Change current word to upper case.

       Delete Backspace.

       sftp2 returns the following values based on the success of
       the operation:

       0      Operation was successful.
       1      Operation resulted in an undetermined error within
       2      Destination is not a directory, but a directory was
              specified by the user.
       3      Maximum symlink level exceeded.
       4      Connecting to the host failed.
       5      Connection lost.
       6      File does not exist.
       7      No permission to access file.
       8      Undetermined error from sshfilexfer.
       9      File transfer protocol mismatch.

       In batch mode, sftp2 returns the value 0 only if no errors
       occured during the execution. A failure to change the cur-
       rent working directory, a failure to establish a connec-
       tion, or a connection loss during batch operation cause
       sftp2 to abort. Other errors are reported to stderr and
       the greatest of the error values is returned as the exit
       value of the sftp2 process.

       Note that when the command is run from JCL using BPXBATCH,
       the exit values are multiplied by 256.

       sftp2 uses the following environment variables:

              Specify the ftp compatibility mode for get and put 
              commands. If the variable is set to ftp, the 
              commands behave as in ftp client. See commands
              sget and sput.

              If this variable is set to yes, the default behavior 
              is to overwrite existing files. If set to no, 
              the default behavior is not to overwrite 
              existing files.

              If this variable is set to yes, the number of 
              transferred bytes is shown after successful 
              file transfer. Also the names of source and 
              destination files are shown.

              If this variable is set to TYPE119, file transfers 
              create SMF records of type 119.

              This is a number of variables where the xxx is one 
              of the file transfer attributes (see the SSH Tectia
              Server for IBM z/OS Administrator Manual, chapter
              "Advice String"). The variables apply to processing 
              local files and they set default values that can be 
              overridden on Advice Strings.

       In addition to the files used by ssh2, sftp2 uses the 
       following file: 
              Contains file transfer profiles which furnish file 
              transfer attributes to be used when processing local 
              files. See the SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS 
              Administrator Manual, chapter "File Transfer Profiles".

       SSH Communications Security Corp.

       For more information, see

       sshregex(1), ssh2(1), sshd2(8), ssh-keygen2(1), ssh-
       agent2(1), ssh-add2(1), scp2(1)

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