Running Connection Broker

Starting ssh-broker-g3 Manually under USS
Running ssh-broker-g3 as a Started Task
Stopping ssh-broker-g3
Reconfiguring ssh-broker-g3

The Connection Broker component consists of two processes:

Normally, there is no need to start the ssh-broker-g3 process separately. The sshg3, scpg3, and sftpg3 client programs start it in the on-demand mode, and stop it when the client program is stopped.

If you are running several tunneling or file transfer jobs for a single user and do not want that a separate ssh-broker-g3 process starts each time one of these jobs is run, you can start ssh-broker- g3 in persistent mode. After that, all client programs run by the user will use the same instance of ssh-broker-g3. This saves system resources. The Connection Broker can be started under USS, or by using a JCL script or started task. The Connection Broker can also be started with the /opt/tectia/etc/init.d/ssh-broker-g3 script.