SSH Tectia

From SSH Tectia Client on Windows to SSH Tectia Server on z/OS

The instructions apply to SSH Tectia Client (5.1 and later) and SSH Tectia ConnectSecure on Windows. For more information, see SSH Tectia Client User Manual or SSH Tectia ConnectSecure Administrator Manual.

Using Graphical User Interface

On Windows, you can use the SSH Tectia Key Generation wizard to generate a key pair.

  1. New keys are generated in the SSH Tectia Configuration tool. Select the Keys and Certificates page under User authentication and click New Key... to start the Key Generation wizard.

    The wizard will generate two key files, your private key and your public key. The private key file has no file extension, and the public key has the same base file name as the private key, but with .pub as the file extension. The key files will be stored on your local computer, in the user profile directory.

  2. Public keys can be uploaded automatically to servers that have the SFTP subsystem enabled. The automatic upload can be done on the Keys and Certificates page of SSH Tectia Configuration tool.

    Select your key pair from the list and click Upload. The Upload Public Key dialog box opens.

  3. Define the conversion parameters directly in the Destination folder path as shown in Figure Figure 9.1 below.

    Uploading the public key

    Figure 9.1. Uploading the public key

    Click Upload to start the upload.

  4. If you are already connected to the remote server host, the key upload starts immediately. If you are not connected, you will be prompted to authenticate to the server (by default with password).

  5. Make sure that public-key authentication is allowed in the Connection Broker configuration on Client, in the default settings and in the relevant connection profile (it is allowed by default).

Using Command-Line Tools

The key pair can also be generated and transferred to the z/OS server by using command-line tools.

  1. Create a key pair using ssh-keygen-g3. For non-interactive use, the key can be generated without a passphrase with the -P option.

    C:\>ssh-keygen-g3 -t rsa -b 1536 -P win_key
    Generating 1536-bit rsa key pair
       5 oOo.oOo.oOo.
    Key generated.
    1536-bit rsa, ClientUser@TECTIA_WIN, Fri Aug 25 2006 07:59:40
    Private key saved to C:\Documents and Settings\ClientUser\Application 
    Public key saved to C:\Documents and Settings\ClientUser\Application 
  2. Create a remote .ssh2 directory on the z/OS Server (if it does not exist already):

    C:\>sshg3 ServerUser@Server_zos mkdir .ssh2
  3. Transfer the public key to the z/OS Server with conversion options:

    C:\>scpg3 -a "C:\Documents and Settings\ClientUser\Application Data\SSH\
    UserKeys\" ServerUser@Server_zos:˜/.ssh2/
  4. Create the remote authorization file on the z/OS Server:

    C:\>sshg3 ServerUser@Server_zos "echo Key >> .ssh2/authorization"
  5. Make sure that public-key authentication is allowed in the Connection Broker configuration on Client, in the default settings and in the relevant connection profile (it is allowed by default).