System Limit Requirements
Check the definitions in BPXPRMxx. The following guidelines are approximate
and apply to both the server and the clients.
Tectia requires an address space size of at least 200 MB (MAXASSIZE).
Each concurrent connection typically needs 2 to 3 processes (MAXPROCSYS,
MAXPROCUSER). The user limit may require adjusting if many concurrent
connections are run under one user ID.
For each concurrent connection Tectia requires:
- file descriptors (MAXFILEPROC)
- TCP/IP sockets (MAXSOCKET for file system type INET)
- AF_UNIX sockets (MAXSOCKET for file system type UDS)
The limits suggested in the z/OS UNIX System Services Planning book are
typically adequate except maybe for AF_UNIX. Tectia uses 3 to 4 AF_UNIX
sockets for each concurrent connection.