Port Forwarding

Direct TCP port forwarding request denied

Direct TCP/IP forwarding request (<host>:<port>) denied for user in configuration.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

A direct TCP port forwarding request has been denied because of system policy.

Direct TCP port forwarding forbidden

Direct TCP/IP forwarding request denied in configuration.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

A direct TCP port forwarding request was denied because the system policy forbids TCP port forwarding.

Connection received to forwarded port

Connection to forwarded port <forwarded-port> from <host>:<port>

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The forwarded port received a connection.

Remote port forwarding connection received

Remote fwd connect from <connection-originator> to local port <port>

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

A remote port forwarding request was received.

Remote listener creation failed

Creating remote listener for <address>:<port> failed.

Level: notice

Facility: DAEMON

A remote listener creation failed.

Port set up for remote forwarding

Port <port> set up for remote forwarding.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

A port was successfully set up for remote forwarding.

Received a remote forwarding request

Remote TCP/IP forwarding request received from host "<host>", by authenticated user "<login-name>".

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Received a remote forwarding request.

Forwarding a privileged port

Privileged user "<login-name>" forwarding a privileged port.

Level: notice

Facility: DAEMON

Forwarding a privileged port (under 1024) for a privileged user.

Remote TCP port forwarding forbidden

Remote TCP/IP forwarding request denied in configuration.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

A remote TCP port forwarding request was denied because the system policy forbids TCP port forwarding.

Remote TCP port forwarding request denied

Remote TCP/IP forwarding (<host>:<port>) request denied for user in configuration.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

A remote TCP port forwarding request has been denied because of system policy.

Connection to direct forwarding received

direct fwd connect from <connection-originator> to local port <port>

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Received a connection to forwarded port.