SSH1 Agent Forwarding

SSH1 agent forwarding denied

SSH1 agent forwarding request denied in configuration.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

SSH1 agent forwarding is denied by the server configuration.

Creating SSH1 agent listener

SSH1 agent forwarding requested, creating a listener.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

SSH1 agent forwarding allowed, creating an agent listener.

Opening an SSH1 agent forwarding channel

Opening an SSH1 agent forwarding channel

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

SSH1 agent connection received, opening a forwarding channel.

Closing an SSH1 agent forwarding channel

Closing an ssh1 agent forwarding channel

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Closing a SSH1 agent forwarding channel.

SSH1 agent forwarding fails

SSH1 agent forwarding request failed as user <username> is denied terminal access in the server configuration

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The user is denied terminal access in the server configuration, resulting in SSH1 agent forwarding request failing.