Common Tectia Server for IBM z/OS Error Messages

Environment variable '_BPXK_AUTOCVT' is not set, Environment variable '_BPXK_AUTOCVT' is incorrect , Environment variable '_CEE_RUNOPTS' is not set , Environment variable '_CEE_RUNOPTS' is incorrect

These environment variables must always be set to specific values when running Tectia Server for IBM z/OS programs (see Environment Variables for Server and Client Applications). When running under BPXBATCH use the SSHENV data set on a STDENV DD statement (located in /opt/tectia/doc/zOS/SAMPLIB). Before running client programs from a USS command prompt, source the sshsetenv script (located in /opt/tectia/doc/zOS/samples).

sshd2[50397305]: FATAL ERROR: setuid: EDC5157I An internal error has occurred., sshd2[50397305]: FATAL: setuid: EDC5157I An internal error has occurred.

If a login attempt ends with this error message from the server, the reason may be that sshd2 is not marked program-controlled. You can correct this by running:

>extattr +p /opt/tectia/sbin/sshd2