OpenSSH sftp

Submitting a Job

Submit a job using put and a file transfer advice string (/ftadv:filetype=JES,C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/) to set file type to JES and specify code set conversion. In this example the code set is ISO8859-1 during the transfer and the server should store the data set with the IBM-1047 code set:

put /home/user1/src/jcl/br14.jcl /ftadv:filetype=JES,C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/

Or, alternatively:

cd /ftadv:filetype=JES/ 1
put /home/user1/src/jcl/br14.jcl ./ftadv:C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/ 2
03.05.03 JOB03361  $HASP100 USERJ0   ON INTRDR   FROM STC03352 USER13
Couldn't close file: End of file 3

Set file type to JES.


Submit the job using put; use an advice string to specify code set conversion.


All SFTP clients are not able to retrieve the job ID. If you want to see it, please use Tectia sftpg3.

Retrieving the Spool Output of a Job

Retrieve the spool output of a job with the ID JOB03361 using get and a file transfer advice string to specify file type and code set conversion:

get /ftadv:filetype=JES,C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/JOB03361

As an alternative you can first cd to JES and then run get:

cd /ftadv:filetype=JES/
get ./ftadv:C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/JOB03361

Deleting Jobs

Example 1. To delete a job (JOB01234), run rm and use an advice string to set file type to JES:

rm /ftadv:filetype=jes/JOB01234

Example 2. To delete all jobs with IDs that begin with JOB012, enter the following command (the wildcard * is escaped with a backslash (\) in order to leave file name globbing to the server):

rm /ftadv:filetype=jes/JOB012\*

When you issue the rm command on a job, all spool output related to the job is deleted.

Listing Jobs

Example 1. To list jobs in the long name format, enter:

ls -l /ftadv:filetype=JES,C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/

Or, alternatively:

cd /ftadv:filetype=JES,C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/
ls -l

Example 2. To list the spool output of a specific job (JOB03361), enter:

ls -l /ftadv:filetype=JES,C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/JOB03361/

Or, alternatively:

cd /ftadv:filetype=JES,C=ISO8859-1,D=IBM-1047/JOB03361/
ls -l

You should see this type of output:

JOB03361 USER1    USER1D   A        J      0000
0002          JES2     JESMSGLG    19       1100 UA       133
0003          JES2     JESJCL       8        390 V        136
0004          JES2     JESYSMSG    15        817 VA       137
0102          S1       SYSPRINT     5        416 VBA      137