
Dataset Lists

The form of dataset lists depends on the file transfer client. To display dataset lists, on most clients the users can use the ls and ls -l commands. Usually the ls command shows the list with relative dataset names and possibly some additional information. The file size is one field in the additional information. Many SFTP clients show the file sizes of MVS datasets as "0" because SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS does not determine the exact file size when listing files and does not set the size field in the protocol message. The ls -l command shows additional information formatted by the server.

When listing a PDS or PDSE, the member names are listed.

When listing a GDG, the GDG name is treated as a prefix. The listing may contain datasets that are not in the GDG index but do have dataset names that have the GDG name as a prefix.

Using the ls command without any parameters displays the content of the current working directory.

sftp> ls

Users can also define the DSN qualifier or HFS path they want to list. To use an absolute DSN, start the prefix with "//'". To use a relative DSN, which will be completed with the username, start the prefix with "//".

Some older SSH Tectia and third-party command-line and GUI clients require that a dot sign is added after the dataset prefix you want to display. This applies also to older SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS file transfer clients.

For example, to list the datasets of a user's MVS home directory using absolute DSN, use the following command:

sftp> ls /__USERID.

Or using a relative DSN, use the following command:

sftp> ls /_.