
File Transfers Using REXX Scripts and a JCL Procedure

Tectia Server for IBM z/OS contains example file transfer procedure and REXX functions for scpg3, sftpg3, and sshg3 client applications.

The following PROC, REXX functions, and examples can be found from SAMPLIB and they can be easily modified according to the customer environment and needs. The REXX functions can also be called from user-written REXX programs.

Enabling the File Transfer JCL Procedure

By default, the JCL prodecure is set to run from the default SAMPLIB location, //'&SYSUID..SSZ.SRVR62.SAMPLIB'. If the procedure and REXX functions are run from some other location, modify the EXECLIB parameter on the SSZP procedure accordingly.

Example 1: SSZJSFTP

In this example multiple sftpg3 file transfer commands are run using the SSZP procedure:

//       PARM='SSZRFT'
open username@unix_server.example.com
sget text_file.txt //'USERID.TEST.DATA.SET'
sput //'USERID.TEST.DATA.SET' demo_file.txt 
sget demo_file.txt //PDS(MEM2) 
rm demo_file.txt 
sput //'USERID.PDS(MEM2)' member2 
lsite O=FB R=80
sget jcl.txt //'USERID.JCLLIB(JCL1)'