Table A.2. Functional comparison between MVS and UNIX
Function | MVS | UNIX |
Background work | Submit batch JCL | sh_cmd & |
Change working directory | ISPF 3.4 | cd |
Change local working directory (during FTP or SSH transfer in interactive mode) | ISPF 3.4 | lcd |
Change permissions | PERMIT | chmod |
Configuration parameters | SYS1.PARMLIB | /etc |
Data management | DFSMS, HSM | tar, cpio, pax |
Debug | TSO TEST | dbx |
Delete file or directory | ISPF 3.2 D | rm |
Editor | ISPF 2 | ed, sed, oedit, ishell |
Initiate new task | ATTACH, LINK, XCTL | fork(), spawn() |
Interactive access | Logon to TSO | telnet/rlogin to sh/tcsh |
Job management | SDSF | ps, kill |
List files | ISPF 3.4, LISTC | ls |
List user ID attributes | LU | id |
Long running work | Started task (STC) | daemon |
Make directory | ISPF 3.2 A PDS | mkdir |
Post IPL commands | COMMNDxx | /etc/rc |
Power user | RACF OPERATIONS | superuser or root |
Primary configuration | IEASYSxx | BPXPRMxx |
Primary data index | Master Catalog | root (“/”) directory |
Procedural language | CLIST, REXX | shell scripts, REXX |
Program products | LNKLST | /usr |
Resident programs | LPA | sticky bit |
System logging | SYSLOG | SYSLOGD |
System programs | LNKLST | /bin |
Test programs | STEPLIB | /sbin |
User data | &SYSUID or &SYSPREF | /u/<username > |
User identity | user/group | UID/GID |