General Server Log Messages

Disconnected: Host not allowed to connect

Disallowed connect from denied host. '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server has disconnected the client because the client is not allowed to connect.

Disconnected: Protocol error

Protocol error in [local|remote]: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because of a protocol error in local or remote end.

Disconnected: Key exchange failed

Key exchange failed in [local|remote]: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because key exchange failed in local or remote end.

Disconnected: Illegal code

RESERVED (this is an illegal code) in [local|remote]: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because of illegal code.

Disconnected: MAC failed

MAC failed in [local|remote], disconnecting: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because MAC failed in local or remote end.

Disconnected: Compression error

compression error in [local|remote], disconnecting: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because of a compression error.

Disconnected: Service not available

service not available: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because a requested service was not available.

Disconnected: Protocol version not supported

protocol version not supported in [local|remote]: '<message>'

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because the protocol version was not supported.

Disconnected: Host key not verified

host key not verifiable in [local|remote]: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because the host key could not be verified.

Disconnected: Connection was lost

connection lost: '<message>'

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnecting because the connection was lost.

Disconnected: Disconnected by application

disconnected by application in [local|remote]: '<message>'

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnected by application.

Disconnected: Too many connections

too many connections : '<message>'

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnected because the internal connection limit was exceeded.

Disconnected: User authentication failed

User authentication failed: '<message>'

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnected because the user authentication failed. This message should only occur when the other end is of version 2.0.13 or earlier.

Disconnected: Authentication canceled by user

authentication cancelled by user: '<message>'

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnected because the authentication was canceled by the user.

Disconnected: No more authentication methods

no more authentication methods on [local|remote]: '<message>'

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnected because of running out of authentication methods. This generally means that the client failed in all the authentication methods available on the server.

Disconnected: Illegal user name

illegal user name : '<message>'

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnected because the user name was illegal.

Disconnected: Unknown reason

Unknown reason code '<reason-code>' for disconnect. msg: '<message>'

Level: error

Facility: DAEMON

Disconnected for an unknown reason.

Idle timeout exceeded

Idle timeout exceeded.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The idle timeout limit was exceeded.

Remote protocol version string received

Remote protocol version: <version-string>

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The server has received the remote protocol version string from the client.

User authenticated

User <login-name> (uid <uid-number>), coming from <host>, authenticated.

Level: notice

Facility: DAEMON

A general message stating that a user has been successfully authenticated.

User authenticated, root login

ROOT LOGIN: User <login-name> (uid <uid-number>), coming from <host>, authenticated.

Level: notice

Facility: DAEMON

General message stating that a superuser has been successfully authenticated.

User authentication failed

Authentication failed for user <login-name>, coming from <host>.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

A user tried to log in, but user authentication failed.

User logged out

Logout for user <login-name>.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The specified user has now logged out or has been logged out.

Login grace time exceeded

LoginGraceTime exceeded.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The LoginGraceTime value was exceeded. This means that the client did not succeed in logging in during the time period defined by the configuration option LoginGraceTime.

Connection received

connection from "<host>" (listen port: <listen-port>)

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The server has received a connection from a host.

Connection received in interface

connection from "<host>" (listen iface: <address>:<port>)

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The server has received a connection from a host to a port on specific interface.

Refused connection: too many open connections

Refusing connection from "<host>". Too many open connections (max <maximum-connections>, now open <open-connections>).

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server has refused a connection because it would have otherwise exceeded the limit of simultaneously open connections.

Denied connection because of tcp_wrappers

Denied connection from <connection-originator> by tcp wrappers.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server has refused a connection because it was denied by tcp_wrappers.

Forking for new connection failed

Forking a server for a new connection failed.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server tried to fork to handle a new connection, but the forking failed.

Server warning

WARNING: <message>

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

A warning was received from the server.

Fatal server error

FATAL ERROR: <message>

Level: error

Facility: DAEMON

The server has encountered a fatal error condition.

SIGHUP handler received an invalid signal

Server's SIGHUP handler received an illegal signal.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Invalid signal received by SIGHUP-handler.

License file error

License file error: <message>

Level: error

Facility: DAEMON

The server encountered an error when checking the license file.

Server restarting


Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server is restarting.

Server starting in inetd mode

Starting daemon in inetd mode.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server is starting in inetd mode.

Server created a listener

Listener created on <address>:<port>.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server has successfully created a listener.

Server created an UDP listener

UDP Listener created on <address>:<port>.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server has successfully created an UDP listener.

setsid failed

setsid: <error-message>

Level: notice

Facility: DAEMON

A call to setsid failed in the server.

Server running

Daemon is running.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

The server process has successfully performed all initialization operations and is now listening for connections.

SIG(INT|TERM) handler received an illegal signal

Invalid signal received by SIG(INT|TERM)-handler.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Server's SIG(INT|TERM) handler received an illegal signal.

SIGUSR1 handler received an illegal signal

Invalid signal received by SIGUSR1-handler.

Level: warning

Facility: DAEMON

Server's SIGUSR1 handler received an illegal signal.