Agent Forwarding

Agent forwarding requested

Agent forwarding requested, creating a listener.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The client has requested agent forwarding, and the server is creating a listener for it.

Agent forwarding request has been denied

Agent forwarding request denied in configuration.

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The client has requested agent forwarding, but the server configuration forbids it.

Forwarding an agent connection

Opening an agent forwarding channel

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The server has received an agent connection in the agent forwarding listener, and is opening an agent forwarding channel to the client.

Closing an agent connection

Closing an agent forwarding channel

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The agent forwarding channel from the server to the client has been closed.

Agent forwarding request fails

Agent forwarding request failed as user <username> is denied terminal access in the server configuration

Level: informational

Facility: DAEMON

The user is denied terminal access in the server configuration, resulting in agent forwarding request failing.