Uploading Files Required for Installation


If you have an existing installation of Tectia Server for IBM z/OS version 6.x, you can skip to Upgrading from Tectia Server for IBM z/OS Version 6.x.

The following files need to be uploaded in binary mode to your z/OS host:

Check if you have some Secure Shell software, for example earlier versions of Tectia products or IBM Ported Tool for z/OS (OpenSSH), running on the machine where you are planning to install the new Tectia version.

In the following sections we provide you with the required commands for uploading the files using OpenSSH, FTP or FTP via cURL.

Uploading Installation Files Using OpenSSH

If an OpenSSH server is already running on the host, use sftp to transfer the installation files in binary format to the USS file hierarchy, from where the XMIT file can be copied to a data set with the cp command:

cp -P 'recfm=fb,lrecl=80,blksize=6160,space=(trk,(15,15))' \

Before installing Tectia Server 6.5 for IBM z/OS, stop any OpenSSH servers running on port 22, or change their listener port. You do not need to uninstall the OpenSSH software.

Proceed with the installation normally as described in Installing Tectia Server for IBM z/OS.

Uploading Installation Files Using FTP

Connect to your z/OS host and change file transfer mode to binary:

ftp USER@zoshost
ftp> binary

Upload the Tectia SSH Assistant XMIT file:

ftp> quote site RECFM=FB LRECL=80 TRACKS PRIMARY=15

Upload the product tar archive:

ftp> put ssh-tectia-server-zos-6.5.0.XXX-ibmzos_1_13.tar.Z SSZ.V6500XXX.TARZ

(Replace the XXX in the tar archive and destination data set names with the correct build number.)

Upload the licenses tar archive to the user's home directory:

ftp> cd /u/user/
ftp> put licences.tar
ftp> quit

Uploading Installation Files Using FTP via cURL

Upload the Tectia SSH Assistant XMIT file:

curl -v -u USER -Q 'site RECFM=FB LRECL=80 TRACKS PRIMARY=15' \
-T SSZASST.XMIT ftp://zoshost

Upload the product tar archive:

curl -v -u USER -Q 'site RECFM=U BLKSIZE=32256 LRECL=0 CYLINDERS PRIMARY=120' \
-T ssh-tectia-server-zos-6.5.0.XXX-ibmzos_1_13.tar.Z \

(Replace the XXX in the tar archive and destination data set names with the correct build number.)

Upload the licenses tar archive to the user's home directory:

curl -v -u USER -T licences.tar ftp://zoshost//u/user