User Authentication - Common

Authentication failed

<method-name> authentication failed. Login to account <login-name> not allowed or account non-existent.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

The system administrator has denied logging in for the user, or the user is trying to log in using a non-existent account.

Authentication failed, user does not exist

User <login-name> does not exist.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

Authentication failed because the specified user account does not exist.

Root login denied for user

root login denied for user '<login-name>'.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

User tried to login as root (administrator), but system policy does not allow root (administrator) logins at all or with password authentication.

Authentication failed, system policy does not allow user's login

User <login-name>'s login is not allowed due to system policy

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

Authentication failed because the system policy does not allow the user to log in. The account may be locked or expired, for example.

Authentication failed, user name is on DenyUsers list

User <login-name> is denied login because username matched with the deny list.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

Authentication failed because the specified user name is included in the server's denied users list.

Authentication failed, user name not on AllowUsers list

User <login-name> is denied login because allow list exists, and user name was not matched.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

Authentication failed because the specified user name is not included in the server's allowed users list.

Authentication not allowed from a host

<method-name> authentication failed. Connection from <hostname> denied. Authentication as user <login-name> was attempted.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

The server has determined that the user is not allowed to login from the current host.

Authentication not allowed, unable to reverse map host name

Login not allowed because host's IP address (<ip-address>) could not be mapped to a hostname and reverse mapping is required.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

The server could not map the connecting host's IP address to a host name and the configuration option RequireReverseMapping is on.

Authentication not allowed, host is on the DenyHosts list

Login not allowed because the connecting host (<hostname>) is on the server's deny list.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

The connecting host is on the server's denied hosts list, so the authentication is not allowed.

Authentication not allowed, host is not on the AllowHosts list

Login not allowed because the connecting host (<hostname>) is not on the server's allow list.

Level: warning

Facility: AUTH

The connecting host is not on the server's allowed hosts list, so the authentication is not allowed.