Default sshd2_config Configuration File

The default sshd2_config configuration file is shown below. For descriptions of the configuration options, see sshd2_config(5)

## end of metaconfig
## (leave above lines intact!)
## sshd2_config
## SSH Tectia Server 6.4 for IBM z/OS - SSHD2 Server Configuration File

## General

# Server Authentication: server keys in files
#       HostKeyFile                     hostkey
#       PublicHostKeyFile     
#       HostCertificateFile             hostkey.crt # Comment out the pubkey
                                                    # if cert is specified
# Server Authentication: server key and certificate in SAF
#       HostKeyEkProvider               "zos-saf"
#       HostKeyEkInitString             "KEYS(ID(SSHD2) RING(HOSTKEY) LABEL('Host \
                                        key label'))"
#       HostKey.Cert.Required           yes
#       RandomSeedFile                  random_seed
#       BannerMessageFile               /opt/tectia/etc/ssh_banner_message
#       BannerMessageFile               /etc/
#       VerboseMode                     no # For debugging only. See man page.
#       QuietMode                       no
#       SyslogFacility                  AUTH
#       SyslogFacility                  LOCAL7
#       SftpSyslogFacility              DAEMON
#       SftpSmfType                     none
#       SftpSmfType                     TYPE119
#       WTORoutingCodes                 1,11

## Communication with ssh-certd

#       CertdListenerPath               /opt/tectia/var/run/ssh-certd-listener

## Network

#       Port                            22
#       AddressFamily                   inet
#                                         inet:  IPv4 only
#                                         inet6: IPv6 only
#                                         any:   Ipv4 and IPv6
#       PidFile                         default
#       PidFile                         /opt/tectia/var/run/
#       PidFile                         /opt/tectia/var/run/
#       ListenAddress                   any
#       ListenerRetryInterval           0
#       ListenerRetryInterval           60
#       ResolveClientHostName           yes
#       RequireReverseMapping           no
#       MaxBroadcastsPerSecond          0
#       MaxBroadcastsPerSecond          1
#       NoDelay                         no
#       KeepAlive                       yes

## Load Control

#       MaxConnections                  1000
#       LoadControl.Active              yes
#       LoadControl.DiscardLimit        see below
#       LoadControl.WhitelistSize       1000
# MaxConnections is the limit of the number of concurrent connections. It must be
# greater than 1 when Load Control is active. The value 0 means that the number
# of connections is unlimited and causes Load Control to be disabled.
# Set LoadControl.Active to no to disable load control.
# LoadControl.DiscardLimit must not be larger than MaxConnections. The default
# value is 90 % of MaxConnections.
# LoadControl.WhitelistSize is the number of distinct IP addresses that the
# whitelist can hold.

## Crypto

#       Ciphers                         aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc
# Specifies the accepted encryption algorithms for connection security. It is
# a list of cipher names or one of the names Any, AnyCipher, AnyStd or AnyStdCipher.
# Any and AnyCipher include all the ciphers supported by Tectia.
# AnyStd and AnyStdCipher include ciphers listed in the SSH standards.
# Any and AnyStd also include "none", which means no encryption.

#       MACs                            hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-sha2-256, \
                              ,, \
                              ,, \
# Specifies the accepted Message Authentication Codes for connection security. It is
# a list of MAC names or one of the names Any, AnyMAC, AnyStd or AnyStdMAC.
# Any and AnyMAC include all the MACs supported by Tectia.
# AnyStd and AnyStdMAC include the MACs listed in the SSH standards.
# Any and AnyStd also include "none", which means no message authentication.

#       KEXs                            diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, \
                                        diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, \
# A list of key exchange names or Any, AnyKEX, AnyStd or AnyStdKEX.

#       HostKeyAlgorithms               ssh-dss,ssh-rsa,, \
                              ,x509v3-sign-dss, \
                                        x509v3-sign-rsa, \
                              , \
# A list of host key algorithm names or Any, AnyKEX, AnyStd or AnyStdKEX.

#       RekeyIntervalSeconds            3600

## Crypto Hardware

#       UseCryptoHardware               yes
# Specifies whether hardware support is wanted for certain
# algorithms. The support levels are
#   no          do not use crypto hardware
#   yes         use crypto hardware if available
#   must        use crypto hardware, fail if not available
# The level may be given alone as a default for all algorithms or
# together with an algorithm. The algorithm names that may
# be used are:
#   rng         random number generator
#   sha         SHA1 and SHA2 digest algorithms (sha1 is equivalent)
#   aes         AES algorithms
#   3des        Triple DES
# UseCryptoHardware is a comma-delimited list of algorithm:support level
# pairs. It may start with a sole support level
# E.g. To use all available hardware support and fail if support for 3DES
#      or SHA is not available, specify "yes,aes:must,sha:must"
# On most IBM mainframe systems the following algorithms have hardware support:
# the ciphers "aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc" and the MACs
# "hmac-sha1,,,hmac-sha2-256,
#". The support is provided by
# the CPACF facility and ICSF.

## User

#       PrintMotd                       yes
#       CheckMail                       yes
#       StrictModes                     yes
# Specifies 1 hour (you can also use 'w' for week, 'd' for day, 'm' for
#                   minute, 's' for seconds)
#       IdleTimeOut                     1h
# without specifier, the default number is in seconds
#       IdleTimeOut                     3600
#       UserConfigDirectory             "%D/.ssh2"
#       UserConfigDirectory             "/opt/tectia/etc/auth/%U"
#       AuthorizationFile               authorization
# Authorized keys file directive can be used in enabling public-key
# authentication against legacy authorized_keys file that contains
# several keys in single file.
#       AuthorizedKeysFile             "authorized_keys"
#       AuthorizedKeysFile             "%D/.ssh/authorized_keys"
# This variable is set here, because by default it is empty, and so no
# variables can be set. Because of that, we set a few common ones here.
        SettableEnvironmentVars         LANG,LC_(ALL|COLLATE|CTYPE|MONETARY| \

## Conversion on terminal session

#       ShellTransferCodeset            ISO8859-1
#       ShellTransferLineDelimiter      UNIX
#       ShellAccountCodeset             IBM-1047
#       ShellAccountLineDelimiter       MVS
#       ShellTranslateTable             ""
#       ShellConvert                     yes

## Tunneling

#       AllowTcpForwarding              yes
#       AllowTcpForwardingForUsers      sjl, ra-user@remote\.example
#       DenyTcpForwardingForUsers       2[[:digit:]]*4,peelo
#       AllowTcpForwardingForGroups     privileged_tcp_forwarders
#       DenyTcpForwardingForGroups      coming_from_outside
#       AllowLocalForwarding            no
        AllowLocalForwarding            yes

# Local port forwardings to host ports 143 and 25 are
# allowed for all users in group users.
# Note that forwardings using the name of this host will be allowed (if
# it can be resolved from the DNS).
#      ForwardACL allow local .*%users \i10\.1\.0\.25%(143|25)
# Local port forwardings requested exactly to host
# port 8080 are allowed for users that have 's' as first character
# and belong to the group with group ID (GID) 10:
#      ForwardACL allow local s.*%10 proxy\.example\.com%8080
# Remote port forwarding is denied for all users to all hosts:
#      ForwardACL deny remote .* .*

## Authentication

## publickey and password allowed by default
#      AllowedAuthentications          publickey,password
#      AllowedAuthentications          hostbased,publickey,password
#      AllowedAuthentications          hostbased,publickey,keyboard-interactive
#      RequiredAuthentications         publickey,password
#      LoginGraceTime                  600
#      AuthInteractiveFailureTimeout   2
#      HostbasedAuthForceClientHostnameDNSMatch no
#      UserKnownHosts                  yes
#      AuthPublicKey.MaxSize           0
#      AuthPublicKey.MinSize           0
#      AuthPublicKey.Algorithms        AnyStdPublicKeyAlgorithm
#      AllowAgentForwarding            yes

#      AuthKbdInt.NumOptional          0
#      AuthKbdInt.Optional             password,plugin
#      AuthKbdInt.Required             password
#      AuthKbdInt.Retries              3
#      PermitEmptyPasswords            no
#      PasswordGuesses                 3
## publickey authentication with certificates in SAF
# Users logging in with name "-" need SAF certificate
#       IdentityDispatchUsers                  -
# All users logging in need SAF certificate
#       IdentityDispatchUsers                  .*
#       AuthPublicKey.Cert.ValidationMethods   saf
# Certificate is also validated in ssh-certd
#       AuthPublicKey.Cert.ValidationMethods   saf,tectia
# Client must send user certificate
#       AuthPublicKey.Cert.Required            yes
#       AuthorizationEkProvider         "zos-saf:KEYS(ID(%U) RING(%U))"
#       AuthorizationEkProvider         "zos-saf:[USERNAME=%U UID=%IU GID=%IG]"
#       AuthorizationEkInitStringMapper /home/SSHD2/
#       AuthorizationEkInitStringMapperTimeout 0   # 0 = Timeout disabled
## hostbased authentication with certificates in SAF
#       AuthHostbased.Cert.ValidationMethods   saf
# Certificate is also validated in ssh-certd
#       AuthHostbased.Cert.ValidationMethods   saf,tectia
# Client must send host certificate
#       AuthHostbased.Cert.Required  yes
#       KnownhostsEkProvider        "zos-saf:KEYS(ID(SSHD2) RING(KNOWNHOSTS))"

# Ignoring certain restrictions during user login: password expiration
# on AIX, HP-UX in trusted mode and Windows.

#       IgnoreLoginRestrictions.PasswordExpiration no

# To enable authentication time password changing (instead of the old
# forced command style), uncomment the following line:

#       AuthPassword.ChangePlugin       ssh-passwd-plugin

# (this will also be used by the "password" submethod in
#  keyboard-interactive).

## Host restrictions

#       AllowHosts               localhost, example\.com, friendly\.example
## Next one matches with, for example,,, but
## not Note that you have to input string "\." when you want it
## to match only a literal dot. You also have to escape "," when you
## want to use it in the pattern, because otherwise it is considered a list
## separator.
##     AllowHosts               t..l.\..*
## The following matches any numerical IP address (yes, it is cumbersome)
##     AllowHosts               ([[:digit:]]{1\,3}\.){3}[[:digit:]]{1\,3}
## Same thing is achieved with the special prefix "\i" in a pattern.
## This means that the pattern is only used to match IP addresses.
## Using the above example:
##     AllowHosts               \i.*
## You can probably see the difference between the two.
## Also, you can use subnet masks, by using prefix "\m"
##     AllowHosts               \m127.0/8
## and
##     AllowHosts               \m127.0.0.0/24
## would match localhost ("").
#       DenyHosts                       evil\.example, aol\.example
#       AllowSHosts                     trusted\.host\.example
#       DenySHosts                      not\.quite\.trusted\.example
#       IgnoreRhosts                    no
#       IgnoreRootRHosts                no
# (the above, if not set, is defaulted to the value of IgnoreRHosts)

## User restrictions
# User and group names must be in uppercase.

#       AllowUsers                      SJ.*,S[[:digit:]]*,S(JL|AMZA)
#       DenyUsers                       SKUUPPA,WAREZDUDE,31373
#       DenyUsers                       DON@example\.org
#       AllowGroups                     STAFF,USERS
#       DenyGroups                      GUEST,ANONYMOUS
#       PermitRootLogin                 yes
#       PermitRootLogin                 nopwd

## Chrooted environment
# User and group names must be in uppercase.

#       ChRootUsers                     ANONYMOUS,FTP,GUEST
#       ChRootGroups                    SFTP,GUEST

## Subsystem definitions

# Subsystems do not have defaults, so this is needed here (uncommented).
#       subsystem-sftp                  sftp-server
        subsystem-sftp                  /opt/tectia/libexec/sft-server-g3
# Also internal SFTP subsystem can be used.
#       subsystem-sftp                  internal://sftp-server

## Subconfiguration
# There are no default subconfiguration files. When specified the last
# obtained keyword value will prevail. Note that the host-specific files
# are read before the user-specific files.
# User and group names must be in uppercase.

# Following matches (from) any host:
#      HostSpecificConfig .* /opt/tectia/etc/subconfig/host_ext.example
# Following matches to subnet mask:
#      HostSpecificConfig \m192.168.0.0/16 /opt/tectia/etc/subconfig/host_int.example
# Following matches to users from that have two character
# username or username is SJL and belong to group WHEEL or WHEEL[0-9]:
#      UserSpecificConfig (..|SJL)%WHEEL[[:digit:]]?@ssh\.com /opt/tectia/etc/  \
# Following matches to the user ANONYMOUS from any host:
#      UserSpecificConfig ANONYMOUS@.* /opt/tectia/etc/subconfig/anonymous.example