Appendix D Console Messages

This appendix lists the console messages generated by Tectia Server for IBM z/OS.

Command accepted

SSZ0003I Command <command> accepted

Command <command> received by Tectia Server for IBM z/OS was accepted.

Command unrecognized

SSZ0002W Command <command> unrecognised

Command <command> received by Tectia Server for IBM z/OS was not recognized.

Command option unrecognized

SSZ0007W Command option <option> unrecognised

Command option <option> received by Tectia Server for IBM z/OS was not recognized.

Invalid access attempt

SSZ0010W Invalid access attempt. Disabled|Revoked|Undefined user=<userID> IP=<IP>

The SSH session will be disconnected during the authentication phase if the user ID used to log in is disabled, revoked or undefined.

Argument Description
disabledUser ID is configured with a UID value less than zero.
revokedUser ID is marked as revoked in the RACF database.
undefinedUser ID is either not defined in the RACF database, or it does not have an OMVS segment.
userIDUser identifier
IPIP address

Process started

SSZ0001I <path_name> J=<jobname>,A=<ASID>,P=<PID> ready

This message is displayed on the z/OS console when a new process is started.

path_nameProgram path name
jobnameJob name
PIDz/OS Unix process identification number


SSZ0006I Task <name> started

This message is displayed on the z/OS console when the server is started from the z/OS console using the START command.

Argument Description
nameProgram name

Stop / Restart / Reload

SSZ0005I Dispatching signal to <process>=<PID> (<path_name>)

This message is displayed on the z/OS console as a response to the commands STOP, RESTART and RELOAD.

Argument Description
processC or S, indicating a child or server process, respectively
PIDIdentification number of the process the termination signal is dispatched to
path_nameProgram path name


SSZ0004I Tectia Server for z/OS <version>

This message is displayed on the z/OS console as a response to the command VERSION.

Argument Description
versionTectia Server for IBM z/OS version number

Version control information

SSZ0008I VC branch: <branch>

Version control information: branch

SSZ0009I VC revision: <revision>

Version control information: revision