ssh-sft-stage(1) SSH2 ssh-sft-stage(1)
ssh-sft-stage - stage and destage MVS datasets and HFS
ssh-sft-stage [-i input_file] [-s stage_file] [-o out-
put_file] [-I input_file_CCS] [-S stage_file_CCS] [-O out-
put_file_CCS] [-f stage_file_format] [-p] [-b buffer_size]
[-d debug_string] [-v] [-V] [-h]
ssh-sft-stage stages a file or dataset, that is converts
it into transfer format, or destages a stage file, that is
converts it into a file or dataset. Advice strings and
file transfer advice profiles can be used to control stag-
The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), and the way in
which it is used in common Secure Shell implementations,
requires that a file to be transferred is an octet
sequence, that the file size is known, and that it is pos-
sible to seek to any position in the file. Staging trans-
forms structured MVS datasets into such a format. On z/OS
Unix such files are known as Hierarchical File System
(HFS) files.
There are three transfer formats: line format is charac-
ter-based and uses the newline character as a record
delimiter, record format includes record length fields in
the stored or transferred data, and stream format stores
records end-to-end and does not include any structural
Input files and output files may be HFS files or MVS
datasets. Output MVS datasets must be pre-allocated with
complete DCB parameters.
ssh-sft-stage performs coded character set (CCS) conver-
sion when a CCS option is specified for both the stage
file and the MVS dataset. All the character sets known by
the iconv() function are available. To see a list of the
available character sets, run iconv -l in the environment
where you intend to run ssh-sft-stage.
The SSH Tectia Server for IBM z/OS server program, sshd2,
uses temporary memory files as stage files. This mechanism
can be verified with ssh-sft-stage by omitting the -s
option and using -i only or both the -i and -o options.
ssh-sft-stage has both a long and short form for the
options. Both are shown below - use either of the forms.
-i, --input-file file
Specifes the input filename to be staged.
-s, --stage-file file
Specifies the stage filename.
-o, --output-file file
Specifies the filename resulting from destaging the
stage file.
-I, --input-css ccs
Specifies the CCS of the input file.
-I, --stage-css ccs
Specifies the CCS of the stage file.
-O, --output-css ccs
Specifies the CCS of the output file.
-f, --format format
Specifies the format of the stage file: stream,
line, or record.
-b, --buffer-size nnn
Specifies the size of file buffer (in bytes).
-p, --profile
Enables file transfer advice profiles.
-d, --debug string
Enables debugging.
-v, --verbose
Generates verbose output.
-V, --version
Displays program version and exits.
-h, --help
Displays a short summary of command-line options
and exits.
Dataset names
Write MVS dataset names with leading slashes, e.g.
HFS file names must include at least one slash, but
not two at the start of the name.
Use single quotes for datasets names that should
not be prefixed with the user's prefix:
Input and output files may also be members in PDS
and PDSE libraries. Write the member name in paren-
thesis. Use quoting to prevent the shell from try-
ing to interpret the parenthesis:
Output datasets
MVS output datasets must be pre-allocated. Any con-
tent will be overwritten.
When destaging, overrunning the dataset record
length (or block size for the U dataset organiza-
tion) will cause the run to fail. Overrun can be
caused by excessive record lengths when the stage
file format is record or missing or improperly
placed newline characters when the stage file for-
mat is line.
For the line format, the stage file must be encoded
in EBCDIC or must be converted to EBCDIC with CCS
options. The newline character must be NL (0x15 in
hexadecimal and 025 in octal).
When the stage file format is line, fixed length
records are padded with blanks. When the stage file
format is record, fixed length records are padded
with binary zeros. For the stream format, the last
record may be padded with binary zeros.
You must set these variables:
When verifying the use of a temporary memory file as the
staging file, add a TRAP option to the _CEE_RUNOPTS vari-
able. Specify TRAP(ON) to use a hiperspace memory file and
TRAP(OFF) to use a normal memory file that uses memory in
same the address space where ssh-sft-stage runs.
See the z/OS C/C++ Run-Time Library Reference manual for
these two variables, which influence how ssh-sft-stage
performs character set conversions:
SSH Communications Security Corp.
For more information, see