Client Configuration
Host-based authentication can be enabled either by using traditional public
keys or by using certificates.
Traditional Public Keys
To enable host-based authentication with traditional public keys on the
client, do the following steps as ClientUser :
- Generate a host key. By default,
/etc/ssh2/hostkey and
/etc/ssh2/hostkey.pub are generated during installation, so you
can skip this step. Otherwise, give the following command:
# ssh-keygen2 -P /etc/ssh2/hostkey
- Add the following line in the
/etc/ssh2/ssh2_config file:
AllowedAuthentications hostbased
Also other authentication methods can be listed. Place the least
interactive method first. For example:
AllowedAuthentications hostbased,publickey,password
- Change the
DefaultDomain keyword in the
ssh2_config file to reflect your fully qualified domain:
DefaultDomain example.com
Setting this is mandatory if the
HostbasedAuthForceClientHostnameDNSMatch keyword in
the sshd2_config file on Server has been set to
yes . But even if
HostbasedAuthForceClientHostnameDNSMatch is not used, the
DefaultDomain keyword is useful, for example, on AIX and
Solaris, which report only the short hostname by default.
It is possible to use a certificate instead of the traditional public-key
pair to authenticate the client host.
To enable host-based authentication with certificates on the client, do
the following steps as ClientUser :
- Add the following line in the
/etc/ssh2/ssh2_config file:
AllowedAuthentications hostbased
- Enroll a certificate for
client . See
User Authentication with Certificates
for more information.
The certificate must contain a dns extension which
contains the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of client .
Note that the private key associated with the certificate needs to be
stored with an empty passphrase.
- Define the private key and certificate in
sshd2_config on client :
HostKeyFile <private key>
HostCertificateFile <server-certificate>
- Change the
DefaultDomain keyword in the
ssh2_config file to reflect your fully qualified domain:
DefaultDomain example.com
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