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To enable debug mode without restarting Tectia Server, run the following commands as privileged user:
Start Windows PowerShell with Run as Administrator
and change to the "<INSTALLDIR>\SSH Tectia Server\
", for example:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\SSH Communications Security\SSH Tectia\SSH Tectia Server\"
Before enabling debug, check the status of the currently running server:
.\ssh-server-ctl status -v
Log debug to a file, for example:
.\ssh-server-ctl debug log-file C:\server-debug.txt
Or alternatively, View Troubleshooting Log if you wish to both monitor and store the log contents to a file simultaneously:
Enable debug mode. In this example, for all server processes set global debug level 4 and modules starting with "SshUser" higher level 9:
.\ssh-server-ctl debug set "4,SshUser*=9"
This <debug_level>
is suitable for user authentication.
The amount of debug can also be reduced by disabling some of the other modules by
setting them to 0 in
. See previous section for details
on filter
After reproducing the issue, remember to disable debug mode:
.\ssh-server-ctl debug clear
This changes debug level to 0 and also removes the debug hook for the debug log file if it was used.
Check the status of the currently running server:
.\ssh-server-ctl status
Verify from the output that 'Debug level' is 0. If Debug level is not displayed at all, the master ssh-server-g3 process in question has never had debug enabled.
To view all debug commands available for ssh-server-ctl see:
.\ssh-server-ctl debug --help