SSH Tectia

Symlinks between ssh/scp/sftp and sshg3/scpg3/sftpg3 (on Unix)

By default, SSH Tectia ConnectSecure does not create symlinks between the command-line clients sshg3, scpg3 and sftpg3, and their earlier versions ssh, scp and sftp.

In case you want to make sure that the sshg3/scpg3/sftpg3 clients are always used instead of the ssh/scp/sftp clients (even when the user types in ssh/scp/sftp) make symlinks between them by running the following script any time after the installation:

# /opt/tectia/libexec/ssh-create-4.x-compat-symlinks

The symlink is need as the two versions of the clients are located in different directories:


are located in /opt/tectia/bin/sshg3


are located in /usr/local/bin/ssh