SSH Tectia

Defining the Appearance

The appearance of the application and the terminal window is configured using the Appearance page of the Settings dialog.

The Appearance page of the Settings dialog

Figure 5.2. The Appearance page of the Settings dialog

Office XP Look

Select the Office XP Look check box to change the way the menu bar and toolbar are displayed to match the visual style of Microsoft Office XP.

Terminal Settings

With the Terminal settings options you can define how the terminal window works.

Paste on Right Mouse Click

Select the Paste Selection on Right Mouse Click check box to enable fast copying of text on the terminal display. When you have this option selected, you can copy text simply by highlighting it and then paste it by clicking the right mouse button.

Scroll to Bottom on Output

Select the Scroll Bottom on Output check box to have the terminal window scroll to the bottom whenever new text is output. If this option is not selected, you can view the terminal window without the windows scrolling to the bottom every time a new line of text is displayed. By default, this option is on.

Scrollback Buffer Size

Type in the Terminal Scrollback Size field the number of lines that you want to collect into the scrollback buffer. The larger the value, the more you can scroll back the terminal display to view previous terminal output. The default value is 500 lines.

Open URLs on click

When this check box is selected, links in the terminal window can be opened by clicking them. This option is selected by default.

Window Caption

The Window caption settings affect what is displayed in the title bar of the terminal window and the file transfer window.

Display profile or host name

Select this check box to have the profile name of the currently connected remote host computer displayed on the title bar if a profile is used. If a profile is not used, the hostname is displayed.

Window Layout

If you have created a connection profile with several windows open at the same time and saved the layout, all of the windows associated with the profile are normally opened when you select the profile. With the Window layout option you can override this behavior.

Open all windows of the profile

Select the Open all windows in the profile check box to open all the windows associated with a profile when the profile is selected. If this option is not selected, the other windows open in their configured positions when you open new windows. By default, this option is on.