SSH Tectia

Chapter 4 Configuring Connection Broker

Table of Contents

ssh-broker-config - SSH Connection Broker configuration file format
Configuration Tool (Windows)
Defining General Settings
Defining Default Settings
Defining Proxy Rules
Defining Logging Settings
Defining Connection Profiles
Defining User Authentication
Defining Server Authentication
Defining SSH Tectia Connector Settings (SSH Tectia Connector)
Defining FTP-SFTP Conversion Rules (SSH Tectia Client with EFT Expansion Pack)
Defining Static Tunnels

The Connection Broker is a shared component included in SSH Tectia Client and SSH Tectia Connector. All cryptographic operations and authentication-related tasks for SSH Tectia Client and Connector are handled by the Connection Broker.

The Connection Broker uses an XML-based configuration file ssh-broker-config.xml. The configuration file can be edited with an ASCII-text editor or an XML editor (see ssh-broker-config(5)). On Windows, you can use the SSH Tectia Client GUI to configure the client (see Configuration Tool (Windows) ).