SSH Tectia

File Transfer Window, Operation Menu

The Operation menu is available only in the file transfer window. It allows you to copy files to and from the remote host computer, and to navigate the remote directory structure.


The Open option can be used to view a file on the remote host computer. First select a file from the file transfer window and select the Open option. The file will be downloaded and displayed.


Select the Upload option to upload a file, which means copying it from your local computer to the remote host computer (server). The keyboard shortcut for Upload is Ctrl+U.


Select the Download option to download a file, which means copying it from the remote host computer to your local computer.

Note that you must first select the remote file(s) before selecting Download. If no files or folders are selected, the Download menu option is grayed out. The keyboard shortcut for Download is Ctrl+D.

Upload Dialog

Select the Upload Dialog option to open the Upload - Select Files dialog that allows you to select a file and transfer it from the local computer to the remote host computer. The shortcut key for Upload Dialog is Ctrl+U.

Download Dialog

Select the Download Dialog option to open the Download - Select Folder dialog that allows you to select a folder on the local computer and transfer the currently selected file into it.


Select the Cancel option to stop ongoing file transfers.


Select the Up option to move the view from the current folder to its parent folder.

Example: You have a directory called home and it has a subdirectory called mail. If you are currently viewing the mail folder and click Up, the focus moves to the home folder. The keyboard shortcut for Up is the Backspace key. This has the same effect as selecting Operation → Upload, or selecting Upload on the toolbar.


Select the Home option to return to your home directory. This is useful if you are exploring a complex directory tree and want to quickly return to where you came from. The keyboard shortcut for Home is Ctrl+H.

Go To Folder

Select the Go to Folder option enter to directly to a remote folder. A Go to Remote Folder dialog appears, allowing you to type in the path to the desired directory on the remote host computer. The current directory path is displayed in the text field for your reference, eliminating the need to type in long directory paths from scratch. Type in the desired directory path and press Enter. The specified directory is shown. The keyboard shortcut for Go To Folder is Ctrl+G.

New Folder

Select the New Folder option to create a new folder on the remote host computer. A new folder appears on folder view along with a text field where you can type in the name for the new folder.

If you do not type a name for the new folder but just hit Enter, a new folder is not created. The keyboard shortcut for New Folder is Ctrl+N.


Select the Delete option to delete one or more files or folders on the remote host computer. A Confirm Delete dialog appears, allowing you to confirm if you really want to delete the selected files or folders. Select Cancel to keep the selected items, or Yes to delete them. The keyboard shortcut for Delete is the Delete key.


Select a file from the file transfer window and select the Rename option to give the file a new name. The keyboard shortcut for Rename is F2.

You can also rename a file by right-clicking the file. A shortcut menu containing the Rename option opens.


The renaming operation requires an SSH Secure Shell server version 2.2.0 or later. Earlier versions do not support renaming, and using this option will produce the Error Renaming File message. For more information, see Error Renaming.


Select a file in the file transfer window and select the Properties option to view the file properties.

You can also view the file properties by right-clicking the file. A shortcut menu containing the Properties option opens. You can select multiple files and view their properties.

For details about the Properties page, see Defining File Properties.

File Transfer Mode

Select the File Transfer Mode option to define the transfer mode the files will be transferred in. A submenu opens, containing the following options:


Select the ASCII option to transfer files in ASCII mode.


Select the Binary option to transfer files in binary mode.

Auto Select

Select the Auto Select option to automatically change the transfer mode based on the file extension. Files that have a file extension specified in the ASCII Extensions list on the Mode page of the Settings dialog are transferred in ASCII mode. All other files are transferred in binary mode. For more information, see Defining File Transfer Mode.